
21 December 2020

The Library Murders Christmas giveaway

For the next five days the Kindle version of The Library Murders will be ABSOLUTELY FREE. If you haven’t already picked up a copy, now’s the perfect time to get your hands on it!

2 December 2020

The Library Murders in Crime Time’s Best of the Year 2020

The Library Murders has received a mention in the “other commendations” section of Crime Time’s Best of the Year 2020 list!

26 November 2020

Public service announcement

The old domain name is due to expire in five days. If you’re still using that address to access this site, please switch to without delay!

31 October 2020

Newsletter archive added

Missed an issue of my bi-monthly newsletter? Head over to the Newsletter Archive to access all the back issues.

11 September 2020

The Library Murders — read the deleted epilogue!

Ever wondered what happened to DCI Claire Metcalfe after The Library Murders finished? Read the free deleted epilogue, available now!

3 September 2020

Cruel Summer locations guide

Hot on the heels of my locations guide for In the Silence, here’s the breakdown of the key locales for its sequel, Cruel Summer.

30 August 2020

In the Silence locations guide

Have you ever wanted to know where a particular scene or event in In the Silence takes place? Wonder no more with this handy locations guide!

28 August 2020

The Library Murders — Alyssa Q&A

Read an exclusive interview with The Library Murders’ protagonist, Alyssa Clark, courtesy of Suze Reviews.