The Library Murders gets a makeover!

28 November 2022

The Library Murders gets a makeover!

For a while now, my third novel, The Library Murders, has been the odd one out by virtue of being the only one of my books not to have a cover designed by Tim Barber at Dissect Designs. That discrepancy has been rectified!

Behold the brand new cover Tim cooked up for me. It combines all the best elements of the previous design with Tim’s Photoshop wizardry and the familiar branding carried by all my other books. Personally, I think it looks outstanding, and really helps give all my books a nicely unified look.

The Library Murders paperback and ebook covers

As of today, all Kindle or paperback copies ordered through Amazon will ship with the new cover design. I’ve also taken the opportunity to update the interior of the paperback edition to match the typography of my other books, though none of the actual text has changed.